
The course addresses gender transformative programming in the context of ending child marriage. Upon completion, participants will understand the principles and approaches of gender transformative programming. They will be able to develop and apply practical gender transformative strategies to end child marriage, promoting equity and empowerment of girls and women.

This course will help you understand what makes a program gender-transformative, why it is essential for quality, results-based programming, and what strategic adjustments can be made to your program to make it more gender-transformative.

This e-learning course aims to strengthen the skills of humanitarian workers who are not specialized in GBV responses to provide initial support to GBV survivors, focusing on migrant and refugee survivors and displaced people with diverse backgrounds. The course also offers humanitarian workers useful information on specialized GBV services.

Healthcare professionals may have contact with victims and potential victims of the crime of human trafficking. For this reason, they play an important role identifying eventual cases and providing care for victims in clinics, hospitals, health centers, among others. This course aims to improve the capabilities of healthcare professionals through information and practical tools.

This one-lesson course addresses the gender dimension of rural migration. Men and women experience migration differently; therefore, to reduce vulnerability and empower rural women migrants and those who remain, it is essential to include gender issues in migration and rural development policies and programs.

This course deals with the care and protection of unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children moving across and between countries. This course will provide an understanding of the risks and vulnerabilities faced by these children. It will inform the improvement of policies and practices and provide support services that uphold children's rights and meet their best interests.